Phil Pheatures...

Phood & Wine
Phil loves to sear flesh, play with the chemistry set of spices and cater to oral sects with his cooking. In this section, Phil shares some of his favourite recipes.
Phil also gives a few recommendations here not only of wines but also wine and beverage events and a few other liquid goodies as well as other sources. It starts with pinot and ends with coffee.
- Phil The Glass – Wine and Bevvies
- Phil’s Phood Recipes

Stuph Phil Uses
Phil gets asked a lot... "Hey! Where did you get that!?!" and he figured that if he was going to have fun on his own site, he might as well share the sources of fun stuff.
Who knows? One of them may decide to be his sponsor or seek a commercial endorsement.
- Phil The Ears Music
- Trippy Reads
- And other Stuph I Use

Journey Journalism
Phil Tripp is a former rock ‘n’ roll tour manager and music executive who has travelled the world babysitting major artists and attending music conferences and festivals in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Asia, the UK and Europe.Phil started writing about travel when he got bored investigating or analysing the music industry. He is now a travel writer, having converted a hobby of over a decade ago to a revenue stream. He shares his tips for finding the best deals, getting around problems and travel techniques of the not so rich and famous.- Tripp's Travel Writing
- Tripp's Travel Advice
- Phil’s Phave Places
Phil Sez Quotes
“You can’t un-ring a bell.”
Tom Waits
“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”
Aldous Huxley
“There is nothing in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and he who considers price only is that man’s lawful prey.”
John Ruskin
“Stand by the river long enough and you’ll see all the bodies of your enemies float by.”
Another Chinese saying
“Money is the way that people with no talent keep score.”
Michael Coppel, promoter
“One person with a belief is worth a thousand with merely an interest.”
Ancient Chinese saying