Mama’s Fish House–35 years and counting

Mama's frontIn 1978, I stage managed the Kol Pacific Jazz Festival at Waikiki Shell and my reward was a week in Maui with a Hawaiian honey who took me to this new little restaurant.  The owner Floyd had a dream to make the best eatery on Maui and acquired the land and a private beach area in Kuau Cove outisde of Paia.

It was added onto over the years, thrived, had a set of private cottages built for guests, grew even more and became what Floyd had dreamed.




Mam's Beach

I’ve taken a few girlfriends here from that night 35 years ago.   The most memorable were of course redheads–Kate who I loved dearly and of course, my now ex-wife Lisa to whom I proposed there (table 22) overlooking the beach and a few months later, married on the lawn in front of the place with Lucky, the house dog presiding.  My best friend Greg Bright attended and spoke, sweet Lynlea Addis made flower leis, Lisa’s mother and sister came and it was a fabulous night.



The next day, Hurricane Iniki bore down on the islands and we just escaped her wrath.  But I keep coming back to Mama’s Fish House and am treated like an old friend.  I;ve rented the cottages and today, zipped in for a few pics before they opened, making a reservation for my departing lunch in 10 day’s time.  Here she is!

Mama's Boat

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